Good Manuscripts Wanted
New Authors Welcome

Literary Agent looking for talented unpublished authors

All genres accepted. No illegal, offensive or hate-promoting materials
accepted. Agent will accept "publication-worthy" partial manuscripts.
Submissions are through EMAIL only, in the following formats:

  • Word as attachment (agent uses MS Word 2000/97, but most versions should work.)
  • Rich Text Format (RTF) copied and pasted into the e-mail's body.
  • PDF, Adobe Acrobat, as attachment.
  • Html as attachment.

Once agent deems your work "publication-worthy," you will be requested to mail the contract below to agent's surface mail address (P.O. Box.) Please do not surface mail manuscripts unless requested to.

Author - Agent Contract

This is a contract between 123LiteraryAgency, also referred to as "agent" and submitting author named:

Author's complete mailing address:

Author's email, telephone, fax, and/or any other contacting information:

1. Agent agrees to diligently submit author's "publication-worthy" partial manuscript via email to up to two hundred (200) publishers located in major English-speaking countries worldwide until accepted for publication for a period of six (6) months.

2. Once work accepted for publication, author agrees to pay agent ten percent (10%) of author's royalties received through agented published work's sales, for as long as author keeps receiving such royalties.

3. While agent will diligently submit partial manuscript to publishers and attempt to find a suitable publisher for the best possible publishing deal, agent cannot guarantee that the quest for publishers will be ultimately successful and the work published.

4. If suitable publisher is not found within six (6) months, author has the right of first refusal to renew this contract for another period of six (6) months, and so on and so forth.

5. For purposes of covering the costs of submissions, author agrees to a one-time payment per each six (6) month contract of US$1,200 (Twelve hundred US dollars,) non-refundable fee, to agent.

6. Each contract renewal requires a payment of US$1,200 fee, and applies to one manuscript only.

7. The US$1,200 fee, or multiple fees paid for multiple contract renewals, apply toward future payments of the 10% of author's royalties due agent, as agreed.

8. Partial manuscript is about thirty (30) pages and about three (3) chapters.

9. The term "publication-worthy" is defined at the sole discretion of agent.

Author's Signature:


Please send US$1,200 fee in US currency and a hardcopy of this signed contract to:

George Banks
POB 2891
Alpharetta GA 30023 USA

Fax: 1-501-633-4472, or 1-208-445-9074 (voice mail)

PayPal also accepted: Click here (George Banks account)

Please do not mail any manuscripts to this P.O. Box, unless agent specifically requests it.